DFPS and the Political Climate for Trans Youth and Their Families: A Panel Recap

This panel was held on July 20, 2022


Shelly Skeen (she/her) Lambda Legal

Sofia Sepulveda (she/her) Equality Texas

Ginger Chun (she/her) Transgender Education Network of Texas

Adri Pérez (they/them) ACLU of Texas


Sarah Kapostasy, LPC

This recap will start where the panel ended - with a recounting of what gives the impressive advocates and activists who participated in this panel hope, despite the difficult environment for trans youth and their families in Texas. 

The panelists highlighted the strength and resiliency of trans youth and their families, as well as all the allies showing up and speaking out against Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) investigations and other anti-LGBTQIA+ tactics perpetuated by politicians in Texas to score political points. 

Each panelist also mentioned being inspired by those fighting to maintain the right to make healthcare decisions without fear of repercussions and to protect the bodily autonomy of trans youth, including their fellow panelists.

We received an update about the current status of DFPS investigations, with Lambda Legal and the ACLU working hard to cease and prevent investigations into 3 families with open cases as well as seeking to protect any family in Texas who is a member of PFLAG. More about recent developments here: https://www.aclu.org/cases/pflag-v-abbott

Families can become members of PFLAG by donating $50 annually here: https://pflag.org/supportpflag

Additionally, if any family is contacted by DFPS for an investigation related only to gender-affirming care, you are encouraged to contact Lambda Legal: https://www.lambdalegal.org/helpdesk

Additional resources for families can be found here: https://www.txtranskids.org/toolkit, https://www.outyouth.org/support-for-families 

We also received information about what to expect during the next legislative session in January, which may indeed include more of the same in terms of attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community. 

In the meantime, however, it is important to be vigilant as additional opportunities may arise to stand up for the LGBTQIA+ community in the coming months. For example, on July 26th the House Public Education committee met to discuss “parental rights” related to public education, and given the anti-LGBTQIA+ proponents who tend to show up in such spaces, advocates were encouraged to show up and speak on this issue. 

To learn about more opportunities to testify, attend rallies or protest, or other direct action opportunities, sign up for news and updates from: 

Transgender Education Network of Texas: https://www.transtexas.org/get-involved 

Equality Texas: https://secure.everyaction.com/KR74XUWtBUix8clQ9S5NdA2 

TxTrans Kids: https://www.txtranskids.org/actions_events 

During the panel, we also acknowledged the difficulty of providing medical and mental health care to LGBTQIA+ folks and those who love them, particularly trans youth, in the current political climate. In addition to the friendly reminder that the Governor’s Directive and the Attorney General’s opinion are non-binding when it comes to mandatory reporting, organizations such as the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) are in fact supporting social workers who OPPOSE efforts to redefine child abuse to include gender-affirming care. 

NASW Social Workers Support Trans Kids and Families: https://www.naswtx.org/page/votervoice?vvsrc=%2fcampaigns%2f92266%2frespond 

Further still, major medical associations, including the Texas Medical Association, continue to support gender-affirming care as best practice and life-saving: https://www.texmed.org/TexasMedicineDetail.aspx?id=59040 

As providers, we are a critical part of the support network for trans youth and their families during this time. It is important that we continue to provide medical and mental health care.  Many thanks to those who took the time to attend the panel and/or read this recap, and for the work you do every single day.