
by Kazia L. Parsons, MD

Noun de·​spair | \ di-ˈsper \

Definition of despair

1: utter loss of hope

2: a cause of hopelessness

We’re in a strange place right now aren’t we? With such a multitude of contradictory events it’s a wonder we can even feel at all.

Infuriated by the amount of people who put opinion over fact and refuse to vaccinate. And yet at the moment of writing this blog there have been 219 million people vaccinated in the US.

28 states are introducing or have introduced anti-transgender legislation. And yet a new poll conducted by PBS/NPR/Marist showed that two thirds of all Americans are AGAINST anti-transgender legislation.

I find it easy to get discouraged and feel like nothing can be changed. And yet…

Change for the better IS happening all around us. If I stop myself for a moment-- take my eyes off the news of the day and look at the big picture, there is an abundance of hope there.

I am awoken to this nearly every time I have my first follow up appointment with one of my patients after they have begun medical transition. Most often it’s like seeing a new human, a happier human, a more confident human. It is my privilege to help someone start to become who they are.

When despair creeps into my darkest recesses, this helps to banish it with light. I cling to this. A simple act of attempting to make the world a little better where you are. I’m fortunate enough to have found my way to contribute to the moving of the needle.

Caring for LGBTQIA2+ patients is my oasis of empathy and humanity. My protection from despair and indifference. My port in the storm. Have you found yours?

If not, step back and look around. You might find that it’s been right there the whole time. Embrace the joy and love where you can and remember, we’re all in this strange place together. And together we can make it a little better.