Back to Basics

by Cece Flores, LMSW

With less than a month left, dangerous anti-trans bills are advancing through the Texas legislature. As advocates, we tirelessly voice our concerns by sharing public testimonies, making calls, sending emails, organizing/attending rallies, and sharing content on social media. We worry about the impact these bills have on trans youth who are out and the children who fear coming out. We understand that the bills will further marginalize trans youth.

The political climate and hectic schedules impact our overall well-being. In COVID times, days, weeks, and months all seem to blend together. We are doing our very best. It is not uncommon to forget to practice self-care when caring/advocating for our loved ones. The term self-care is not a trendy catchphrase, but essential in recharging. By allowing time to pause, we shift to fresh perspectives. When self-care does drop to the bottom of the priority list, going back to the basics will help.

Getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, eating nutritious meals, and keeping up with doctor visits is necessary for longevity. Meeting our mental, health, social, and spiritual needs keep us energized to advocate on an ongoing basis. Fellow advocates become re-energized and inspire others to join the cause. Yes, meetings and deadlines make it difficult to practice self-care. In the short term, stepping outside for sunshine or five minutes of mindfulness meditation on a busy day can make a difference. Find your work, home, activism balance, and prioritize self-care. Ask for help, spend time with your loved ones, or spend time alone. Be mindful of where you put your energy. Do not feel guilty for setting boundaries and saying no. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.